Wednesday, April 25, 2007

should I have more?

Right now, I’m in poor me mode. I want to do nothing but listen to sad music, eat yummy stuff and say poor me.
I’ve been reading other stories about pre-clampsia. Wow, pre-clampsia really sucks. It’s sad to hear that doctors really don’t know anything about it. They seem to be guessing a lot , and some seem to have no clue.
I’m very lucky. I had awesome doctors, who kept a close eye on me and never let get me to far with pre-clampsia. As soon as they saw it rapidly progressing, out came baby. They then kept an eye on me to make sure that everything was returning to normal. I praise God for my doctors.
There is a line out in pre-clampsia world that says you are unlikely to get it again. Yea, then how come so many women in these stories I’m reading, keep getting it. Which leads me to a question: Should I risk it again? I was very lucky this time. But what if I’m not again? Is it fair to my little peanut and yet unborn child to go through it? Women can die from this. If I died, little peanut would have no mommy. And she loves her mommy. Also, pre-clampsia, makes you likely to have an preemie. WE all know the earlier born the more complications. Is it right to take that risk with another little human being. We were so lucky that Michelle came out with few problems. I guess I need to pray about it. I want Michelle to have siblings. But I don’t know.

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