Tuesday, April 24, 2007

pre-clampsia sucks

Pre-clampsia sucks,

If you don’t know what pre-clampsia is well, just know it sucks. If you have a mild form of pre-clampsia, your get to go on bed rest. If you have a severe or progressing pre-clampsia then you kidney enzymes and palettes get all messed up. The sad part is pre-clampsia can go from mild to severe in a matter of hours. That’s when they decide to cut your baby from you. However, the most horrible part of pre-clampsia is it can kill you and the precious little being growing inside of you.

C-sections suck. I’m glad they exist because they saved my little girl’s life. But it still sucks. You hurt forever. For almost two weeks you have to walk like a hunch back.

But motherhood doesn’t suck. Which makes the above two worth it. I’m so glad I’m little peanut’s mother. She is so precious. There is nothing better then cuddling with my little squirmy baby and kissing her little cheeks. I’m really looking forward to watching her grow up into a nice young lady. I hope I don’t mess her up. I already think she has a temper like her father and me. Man nature, why couldn’t you have let that one go. The best thing is my little peanut loves me. She loves to be held. She loves to cuddle. When she was first born, she didn’t seem to care, but now she does. Now she will cry and not be silent until I pick her up. Peanut you are the best little girl.

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