Wednesday, May 2, 2007

waiting longer

One thing about parenting a preemie, is you always have to wait longer for those mile stones. For example, my daughter will be eleven weeks tomorrow. Usually around six weeks babies started to smile. I had to wait until she was nine. (rubbing belly gets lots of smiles) Usually around two months they start to roll around. We aren't even close to that. So i guess it will be longer before she crawls. Longer before walks and talks. However, I also got to hold her sooner. Kiss her cheeks sooner. But now I wonder. She is a late term preemie. Born at 34 weeks and five days. Meaning she might have some cognitive learning delays. I hope not. I don't know if I will be able to adequately help her. I pray that I can. I saw a video today that was so sad. I won't go into it, but it made me so glad that I have my daughter. I love her so much. But I might not have. If I had no prenatal care, I more and Likely would have lost her and myself. If the doctors had not been so brilliant I would have definitely lost her.
I guess If I could have one wish, I would wish for scientist to figure out how to make artificial wombs. I know this sounds crazy, but so many babies are born way to early. What if we could just put them somewhere else to fully grow? That way mothers who go into premature labor or have a health concerned, wouldn't risk losing their little ones or even their life. Little baby could just go somewhere else and further growing. Its a wish, maybe a silly wish, but it's a wish important to me because I could have lost so much. Praise God, it didn't happen. Praise God that he was in control of things. Last week it really hit me how in control of things God was, because things could have gone the other way.
IF you have a second check out stories on preclampsia at

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