Thursday, May 24, 2007
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
I'm confused
I often wonder if I'll change my mind when I decide I want to have another baby. I want to have another pregnancy so I can have a vaginal birth, but I don't think i want another baby. I'm starting to think I'm not meant to have another baby. It's probably not wise anyway. I really should ask my doctor. I wonder if I get hit with the baby bug again, would I think doing all this medical stuff is worth it. I'm probably taking for granted what came too natural for me. I got pregnant the first time I tried. Thus that is how little girl came into the world.
prayer request
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
frozen babies and other random thoughts
Something else that I have been thinking about is that fifty percent of all pregnancies end before the woman knows she is pregnant. I wonder if that means someday in Heaven I'll get to meet all these children that I never knew about. I kind of like the idea even though it's a sad thought.
Next random thought. I live in North Carolina. Yay. Today the law makers are voting on whether or not adoptee's birth certificates should be available to adoptees. I have been praying that God will softened the lawmakers hearts and let them vote yes. But I doubt it. This is North Carolina. Our state plant produces cancer. Not knocking people who make are sell tobacco just stating the facts. North Carolina can get very stuck in tradition. So in my opinion it will take a divine interference for the records to be opened. You know this is really a freedom of the press issue. Ya'll are probably raising your eyebrows. i used to be a reporter. I wasn't good at it, but I was one. Birth certificates are public record. Plain and simple. I can get a copy of anybodies birth certificate. What else is public record. Marriage certificates, death certificates and police reports. Despite popular belief a rape victim's name is public record. If I wanted to I could push the issue and find out the name of someone who has been raped. Luckily, the media as the good sense to not publish a victim's name. Why is all this public record, so that us the people can keep and eye on the government. Therefore, don't you think all adoption records should be public that way we can keep an eye on the people who are making decisions for children. Now, I understand there probably should be some info that should be kept secret. Such as medical info about the child and parent. That information should only be given to the interested party. And I can see how a woman placing a child, wouldn't want her name published and hopefully the media would understand that, but open records is a way to ensure over site of the government and other agencies. Anyway I would be interested to hear what others think.
Got an email from my mother. She will usually just email once every other month. She'll only write about two sentence.s It usually takes me awhile to respond to her. Every time I see an email from her, I get all tense and there is this awful feeling in my stomach. I just wish that she would disappear. I love her. I really do, but she lives in the land of make believe. I guess it's better that way. She doesn't have to face all the pain. I lived in make believe land until I was 19 until a priest basically destroyed my illusion.
Peanut is sleeping right now. Last night, I was lying in bed and for a moment it hit me that in the other room there was this little being that came from my body. And all I could think of was her precious face. However, that was a temporary realization. i wonder when it's really going to hit me that I'm a mother.
I'm glad that I have this desire to research stuff. I've learned so much. I would have never learned what I did about adoption if I hadn't.
Monday, May 7, 2007
eight hours of sleep
Friday, May 4, 2007
I truly believe that there is some hormonal chemical in women that goes off that makes them want to be mothers badly. My went off a year a go. So I got pregnant (planned) when I really wasn’t financially able to. I’m paying for it now because I’m going into debt. Do I care, well I care about the financial aspect, but I won’t go back in time in change. Why, because I absolutely am in love with being a mother. I just got done cuddling with my little girl. That is one amazing feeling. Cuddling with my child so is taking a bath with her. I just love it.
I guess that is why people do things to have children. For example, go through evasive procedures, take horrible drugs to become mothers. It’s that hormone that goes off. My poor sister in laws hormone must have just gone off because she really wants to have a baby now and is going crazy because well hubby isn’t ready (and he really isn’t ready) to have a baby.
Any way that is my two cents for right now.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
today's random thoughts
I’m not having a good day today. I just feel sad and can’t wait for the next post partum depression group meeting. I need it. I need more therapy. Right now , I don’t want to be a mother. I love my child Don’t get me wrong. But I don’t want to hold her, love her or relish the fact she’s mine. Yesterday I did, but today I don’t. I’m getting worried, I need stable employment. I need a job. I’m starting to get scared about providing for my child. I’m applying for positions but I’m getting no answers. About two years ago, I was out of work for half a year and I crashed. I crashed hard. I had a mental and spiritual breakdown. I spent four days on the
I probably should have waited to have peanut since I didn’t have a full time job, only parttime. Thus, lost everything when I got pre clamispa and had to leave work. But I got hit with baby lust and had to have a baby, so I did. I got pregnant the first time we tried.
My blogs really have no focus. This is about to get really sad, so if you can’t handle it you might want to stop right now.
I was thinking today about how my mother must live in her own little imaginary everything is perfect world.
When I was a senior in college, my mother asked me why I broke contact with the family. I wouldn’t tell her, but she said your father did not abuse you.
Today, I remember how my father used to get my brother and me to play strip poker with him. She knew about this. What kind of mother allows this? And she wonders why I barley speak to her. Thus, why I don’t want her meeting my little girl. She insists she is married to a wonderful man and that I’m lying. What don’t you remember strip poker mama? I do and I want to know why you never did anything about. I want to know why my elementary school teacher never did anything when my friend told her how my father always talked about her breast. I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS. I NEVER FREAKING HAD A CHANCE. I’M TRYING TO BE THE GOOD CHRISTINA GIRL. I’M TRYING NOT TO WISH VENGENCE ON THAT MAN, BUT I WISH SOME ONE WOULD CASTRATE HIM, AND THEN BURNED HIM TO DEATH. HE MAKES ME GLAD THERE IS A HELL.
Ok, now I’m going to try and calm down, especially since my little girl has started crying. She was sitting on my lap and maybe she felt my tenseness.
I got my state refund check today and well I think I’m going to need to spend some of it. I think two good books and diner at one of my favorite restaurants is in order.
Peace ya’ll and pray for the little girls every where that no one cares enough to protect.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
waiting longer
I guess If I could have one wish, I would wish for scientist to figure out how to make artificial wombs. I know this sounds crazy, but so many babies are born way to early. What if we could just put them somewhere else to fully grow? That way mothers who go into premature labor or have a health concerned, wouldn't risk losing their little ones or even their life. Little baby could just go somewhere else and further growing. Its a wish, maybe a silly wish, but it's a wish important to me because I could have lost so much. Praise God, it didn't happen. Praise God that he was in control of things. Last week it really hit me how in control of things God was, because things could have gone the other way.
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