Tuesday, December 18, 2007

pregnancy and vulnerability.

News on my front,

I haven’t heard from the agent. Perhaps, he is sipping a glass of wine while enjoying my main characters first kiss. Perhaps, he’s already tossed it into the recycling bin and has forgotten to tell me of his rejection.

On the mommy front. Peanut is losing her hair again. She’s starting to look like Bill Murray.

You know I've been thinking about how vulnerable women are when they are pregnant. I read this young mom's blog today. She made this list of things she thought while she was pregnant. Her pregnancy was not at the best time. Before and after I was pregnant I thought some of the same things she did. I hope she doesn't mind, but I want to talk about some of the things she wrote.
First off she wrote:
"I might shake Moonbeam to death if I kept her."

I still struggling with the thought of accidentally abusing my daughter. In fact my biggest fear is i'm going to sexually abuse her. Have I , no. I have thought about the fact that I need to separate myself from her, so I don't.

Next she wrote
"My husband might end up abusing Moonbeam if I kept her."

At one point, I thought I needed to runaway with Michelle, so my husband could not abuse her. My husband is not abusive. He is a very kind and loving man.

She also lists some other things that I won't go into detail. I asked her where these thoughts came from, her answer was they were influenced by her cultural upbringing. I won't say how these thoughts affected her because I don't want to accidentally misrepresent her but you can read her story here http://paragraphein.wordpress.com/2007/12/17/once-upon-a-time/#comment-18797

I guess my point is women are just vulnerable while pregnant especially if that pregnancy is not at the best time. Personally I'm shocked at how we treat women who are pregnant in unplanned pregnancies. I have looked at some adoption websites because I have read some major complaints about them. Some of the things that say are downright manipulative.
So really, if anyone out there is reading my blog Google them. FInd out some of the things they say. Look at them from the perspective of being a vulnerable pregnant woman. Ask yourself, what would you do if you were in such a situation. I know I would have bought every line and that scares me.
Women in unplanned pregnancies need resources. They need support. They need the unconditional, non-judgmental love God commanded us to give people. They don't need to hear about the plight of other people.

YOu know I really want to help women in unplanned pregnancies. I've been praying about it. Asking God if it is his will, to show me how I can help someone. I know if it is his will he will guide me. So if you believe in God, say a little prayer for me.

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