Friday, March 23, 2007

Maybe she is angry with me. Think about it. She might have spent nine months thinking oh boy when I get out that voice I keep hearing is going to take care of and love me. That is what I told her. But that is not what happened. Instead her world folded opened to reveal a bright light and two hands grabbed her. She rushed to a table and was completely surrounded by strange voices and scents while she searched and cried for the voice. The voice was supposed to be there. She was then brought to the voice only for a second. The voice barely touched her before she was whisked away. She might have felt rejected as she was carried away from the voice. Then she was put in a plaster clear box, hooked up to wires, stuff stuck in her arms. She’s alone, she’s sad and she’s probably thinking the voice betrayed her. SO she sits in the plastic box for what to her seems like an eternity. But then something happens the voice magically appears. The voice touches her. They lock eyes. She picks her up and some of the wires slip away. She puts her near something warm and it has something yummy inside. But then as soon as the voice appears it is gone and Little Girl is alone again in the plastic box thinking where is the voice. But over time the voice comes and goes and the little child has no idea what is going on. Why does the voice keep coming and leaving? So she gets mad and frustrated. She refuses the warm thing not near the beat and only will take the warm thing next to the beat because its next to the beat and she wants to be back under the beat. Then her anguish and since of hurt overcomes her and she wants nothing to do with the beat so she refuses that warm thing. Thus the voice has betrayed her. But maybe she realizes that the voice is around more and more. And the voice is feeding her. Then she hears one day that her life and the life of the voice was in jeopardy and that is why they were separated, but the voice promises her, they will not be separated again. But the question is can she trust the voice. SO she lets the voice feed and love her but she refuses to acknowledge any feelings for the voice.

1 comment:

Erin said...

She isn't angry with you! That is just the way little ones are. I remember when the bee was very tiny I was convinced she hated me and was angry. She wasn't she was just a baby. Things started to get better when she started to smile and interact with me. Keep wearing your little one in the sling, respond to her right away when she cries, and the two of you will be fine.